Wednesday, May 31, 2006

When the wind blows...

In honor of the first day of Hurricane Season here in Florida: thirteen things I will put in my emergency kit. 1. Mixers that don’t require refrigeration. 2. The Crocodile Hunter. I picture lots of roaming alligators and snakes and when he’s not busy wrestling with them, he can entertain Girlie with his Australian accent. “Crikey!” 3. A spare notebook computer and a dedicated generator the size of Texas. I feel it’s my civic duty to carry on blogging during a natural disaster. 4. President Bush. He has this habit of running away from trouble so I’ll just stuff him in my closet and pull him out during a hurricane to make him actually SEE the problems as they arise. 5. Kites. 6. An athletic support bra for my tree. 7. The Johnson & Johnson company. Don’t they pretty much make everything you might need for personal care? 8. The cast of “The Office.” Without television, I might like to see Steve Carrel and the gang act out a few episodes. Hmm. Ditto the cast of “Lost.” 9. Lots of books and Itsy Bitsy book lights. I guess the books had better be thrillers so that they’ll give me the chills (and I won’t miss the air conditioning). 10. A stopwatch. I’ll want to time how long it takes for my Hubby hurts himself trying to fix something that would be better left for the contractors. 11. Sharpies. Just because I like them and it just feels like you should have a permanent marker during a crisis. 12. A non-electric shaver. I’ll be wearing shorts, you know. 13. Plane tickets. Because let’s face it -- I’ll prepare for the category one or two storm but if something like Katrina is even glancing my direction, I’m flying the family to Toronto. (Toronto because I’ve never been there and we might as well make a vacation of it!) Happy Hurricane Season everybody. Editor's Note: Everybody is quite concerned that I forgot food. Hello? Did I not include the Crocodile Hunter? And mixers? I'm thinking alligator bites and margaritas, alas no rocks, with salt. Even Girlie will eat alligator tail. God, did I just say that? Somebody come save me - I have lived in Florida too long! Oh and Izzy? Zone D? I'm a B. Do you have room for three people, two cats, one dog and some fish? Go here for the Thursday Thirteen hub.


Addison said...

Wow, so you might starve to death during hurricane season.....I'll have some beef jerky here if you need it.

Valerie said...

Great list! HOpe you don't need it at all! Wendy sent me here today!

yoo hoo said...

Well lil missy, you are making it SO inviting for my sweet husband and I to visit Florida, in exactly one short week. If you need provisions, I have connections in the food department.
You make me laugh! There's also a future in tree bras for you...another profit center.

Mama Kelly said...

I love the idea of the novels and travel lights in your emergency pack

Anonymous said...

That's a really stocked list. I was just thinking we should have soem sort of emergency kit in the house. You just gave me some great ideas.

Toronto eh? It's great up here. Really. :)

Anonymous said...

sorry to be gross, but I almost peed my pants laughing at #4! Must be getting old :-)

And I'm with you on #8 with the Lost cast!

My 13 are up

Anonymous said...

I ASSume that you thought food would be so obvious that you didn't even write it...

I want a lot of food or I'll be dangerous!

Other from that it will be enough with airplane tickes...

Sonya said...

Mixers should really help the stress. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh it really hurricane season again? I really need to watch more TV. Every year I swear I'm moving away from FL but alas, here I am. At least we're in flood zone D, for what it's worth.

Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

I've been thinking a lot about hurricane season coming for you guys and whether everyone lives in fear of them. Then, I decided that since I live in what is known as "Tornado Alley" that its really the same principle. I don't live in fear of tornados, but I do have a healthy respect for them. Fortunately I've never been in one. Best wishes to you avoiding a hurrican this year!

Happy Thursday!

Pixie said...

That tree is a hoot! I may have a bra or two to spare if you need one.

I'm really praying we don't have another hurricane season like last year. BTW, I have a sharpie in every color made. Don't know why but I just do.

Wendy Boucher said...
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the lizness said...

#3 by all means - send an email to Pres Bush ahead of time with your blog address so he'll know about the situation in real time, ya know.

Undercover Angel said...

I would have a notebook computer on my emergency list! If you do fly to Toronto email me - I don't live in Toronto but I only live a couple of hours away, and we might be able to get together...


Wise things to keep in hand. Love the Bush thing.
My T13 is up too.

Melissa said...

I am not sure which is funnier, the drinks or kites. I mean shit, why wouldn't you want a kite. Sounds perfectly logical to me.

Tracey said...

Feel free to fly to Saskatchewan instead. Toronto can have just as many problems as Florida. Have you ever driven down Queen Street at rush hour!?!?!

(And if you can get GW to stay in Florida during hurricane season, you are a tougher woman than I thought!)

Anonymous said...

Now those are good essential things that you need for hurrican season and well as for food...leave it to croc hunter to hunt other than croc..hehehehe

Great List and it makes me laugh my head off.....yes , we still need shaver!!hahahaha

Happy T13!mine is up.

Geggie said...

Don't forget duct tape and old reruns of McGyver. Then, maybe you won't need the stopwatch for the hubby's "incidents".

Unknown said...

LOL #4, I have to agree! I always get more than a couple laughs when I read your list. The tree bra is simply hilarious. Have a great TT!

Cheryl said...

Treating hurricanes witt the disrespect they deserve, then?

Funny list, and very unsettling tree.... :-)

Sandra said...

Great list! We almost moved to Florida last year in the middle of hurricane season...and turned back. Wishing you a dry one...

Chaotic Mom said...

Oh this was a funny list! I never thought I'd want to go through a Hurricane season, have to worry. But heck, I'd search out your home if I saw a hurricane coming my way! ;)

Anonymous said...

What a great list! Luckily we don't get hurricanes here but a tsunami is definitely possible! My first T13 is up.

Anonymous said...

Living in the coastal area of Texas I think this is a great list.

my t 13 is up

Andrew said...

Great to meet another fan of The Office. By far it's the best show on television these days. (Alas, I still mourn for the fate of Arrested Development.)


Perstephone said...

Great list! I love your tree, btw. So, yeah, you'd better get it a bra- you don't want those things sagging in a few years!

Anonymous said...

lol great list!!

Trinity13 said...

I love that pic of your tree...very funny!! I love it!!!

Have a great Thursday.

Sherri said...

I wish you didn't have to have a hurricane emergency kit! Here's to safety for you and yours this season! list is up:)

Haleigh Anne said...

Great list! I need to stay at your house during a sounds so much fun.

Moogie said...

Eeegads...You are quite prepared. We need to get stuff put together. Perhaps we can join up and share the Crocodile Hunter and Mixers.

My TT is up!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

You definitely need a permanent marker for hurricanes. You can scrawl your last message on the side of your house and it won't come off in the rain. ;-b

Lady Jane said...

See if you can get the cast of Lost to let you in on the secret so you can share with us! I want to know!!!

Jen said...

Your tree cracks me up!

And, I think I would try to continue blogging through a natural disaster, too. What true blogger wouldn't?

Thanks for stopping by :-)

Just Nancy said...

Very imaginative list! I live in Louisiana so some of this sounds pretty close to home!

My list is up, too!

Cricket said...

Thanks for the visit.

Around here, poopie is a lovey name. We like poop things.

I carry a Sharpie in my purse. Preparedness is a good thing.

astrocoz said...

A woman after my own heart, mixers and the crocodile hunter! Seriously, thats the only way to go.

Thanks for stopping by my TT!

Anonymous said...

LOL I find it funny that if there's a bad enough hurricane coming you won't only abandon the area, but the Country! :) Sure come and see us in Toronto- it's a great place to visit. :) Great list!

Anonymous said...

Wow...glad I don't have to worry about such things...not many hurricanes in Toronto!

Lynn said...

Great list! I seriously hope that no one down south has to go through one this year....I know the odds are against that hopefully nothing major! Thanks for visiting! Have a great weekend.

ms blue said...

Hilarious and oh too scary. Just outside of Toronto there were tornado warnings yesterday. Nowhere is safe. You might as well have a party with some fine television actors!

Norma said...

You are really prepared, and I'm so glad I'm not there!

My TT is up.

Anonymous said...

Love the list, #10 made me laugh out loud :D So glad I'm not living any where near hurricane area, though!