Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

No time for a proper post today. I'm too busy being pampered. But I had to put up a picture of Girlie. She made me coffee and pancakes this morning. She's the perfect mix of me and my Hubby. In some ways, that is the coolest part of being a mom. What better science experiment than mixing your genes and seing what happens? Of course she's much more than a science experiment. She's her own little person and discovering who she is has been the best part of my life thus far. Thanks Girlie!


Anonymous said...

Wendy, She's so cute. And hey, mine are making me breakfast too. Although with a ton of help from their Daddy.

Nap Queen said...

Awwww, she's darling :) Just think, I'm almost 30 and still making my mom breakfast (not in bed of course) since I don't have kids yet. You might have a lot of mother's day breakfasts in your future!

Jess Riley said...

What a sweetheart! She's just adorable.

Happy mom's day to you! Hope you were good and pampered. :)

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is adorable. And I love the Brownie uniform - I have tried unsuccessfully to get my daughters interested in the Girl Scouts. I'm going to drag them to a meeting this summer. Hope springs eternal.

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

(And thanks for the skin primer in your previous post. A good reminder for me.)

Liberal Banana said...

Did her hair just grow like 5 inches since the last picture you posted?? SO cute!!! Glad you had a nice Mother's Day!