Thursday, March 30, 2006


That's the sound I made when my British girlfriend, H, gave me my birthday present today. First we got pedicures (a first for me, don't know what I was waiting for) then we got coffee and then I got, hee hee, an umbrella. A Burberry umbrella. Plaid and all. Don't ask me why, but little luxury items just absolutely make my week (month, year...). So next time you're in Tampa, if you see a short-haired chick with jeans and an Old Navy tee shirt spinning a Burberry plaid umbrella in the sunshine, you'll know that it's me. Thanks, H!!!

1 comment:

Wendy Boucher said...

Hee hee. After years of abstinence, I'm in danger of becoming a pedicure addict. Why do people have live-in nannies when you could have a live-in pedicurist? When I'm rich and famous...