Monday, April 17, 2006

I've been meming to tell you about myself...

Go see Obey the Purebreed art and posters by Kevin McCormick. This sneaky militant pup looks a lot like my little anarchist. So now you know one thing without me even starting my list. I am the personal assistant to a would-be dictator. And now for our main feature (I was tagged by Sweatpantsmom and Izzymom), Six Weird/Interesting Things That You Didn't Know About Me. NUMBER ONE: I don't get altitude sickness. I climbed to the tippy top of Mt. Kilimanjaro (almost 20,000 feet) and although I cried like a baby when I got to the top, along the way I slept like a baby at night and never really got tired. It took six days to climb because my friend on the hike, an all-that male athlete, chose the most difficult route available short of a technical climb. Guess which one of us DID have trouble with the altitude? I am woman, hear me roar. NUMBER TWO: I LOVED law school. Yup. Loved it. I even took more credits than required to graduate. BUT, every nightmare I ever have is about law school. My professor looks right at me and says, "Ms. Boucher, can you please stand and tell the class about Wanker vs. Tosser? And throw in the bit about why you didn't wear pants to class." OR, it's one of those "OHMYGOD the final is tomorrow and I never even bought the book. I thought I dropped that class. AAARGHH." Small wonder that I'm a writer now instead of a lawyer. NUMBER THREE: I think that ESP is a possibility. (And I sense immediately that you do too. Oh, Grandma? Is that you?) NUMBER FOUR: I have OCD. Oh, not that wussy little, "Gosh, did I remember to take out the trash?" type that strikes in the middle of the night. More like that, "I've got to drive ten miles back to where I just drove from to make DOUBLE, TRIPLE sure that what I assumed was a pothole wasn't me running over the Mayor of Tampa." Of course, I am symptom-free thanks to Big Pharma so it's safe to keep visiting. NUMBER FIVE: I cut my own hair. NUMBER SIX: I feel guilty driving a Mom-van. I want a Prius. Or a horse-drawn carriage. Or a city that isn't in the top five of the Pedestrian Unfriendly. So there you have it, hopefully more interesting than weird but when your're talking about yourself, you've done well to if you've avoided boring. So now I tag, Lisa at My 3 Sons, Addison, The Liberal Banana, L at Random Speak, Life in the Pumpkin Shell, and how about the LawNut in honor of my law school entry.


Liberal Banana said...

I hope people don't stop reading me if I start doing nothing but memes. :) Hee hee... I'll see what I can come up with. I'm not really weird so this might be hard. (Hear that? That's the sound of everyone that's ever met me laughing their asses off.)

LawNut said...

I have that SAME dream about the class that I thought I dropped but actually didn't and now if I don't sit for the final I will fail but I'm going to fail anyway because I never attended!! It's the WORST DREAM EVER and I have it ALL THE TIME!! LOL

j.sterling said...

you are such a good meme player!

Jess Riley said...

Hey, I cut my own hair for over 15 years! LOL...very cool that you climbed Mt. Kili. I'm envious. :)

Anonymous said...

Wanker vs. Tosser...rofl

Pam Iorio is the best mayor we've ever had. I seriously hope you didn't run her over ;P

Dude...I'm conflicted over my momvan, too. But a Prius would never work for me. My car is like a purse on wheels.

Anonymous said...

Great list!

And I say your hair looks great in your profile pic, so maybe add 'Hairdresser' onto your list of professions.

(And very cool that you are a mountain climber as well. Good god woman, is there anything you can't do?)