Sunday, February 12, 2006

Hopped up on caffeine and ready to roll

But first I digress. "Hi Mom. I wish you had been at this year's Suncoast Writer's Conference this year." So, as you know, I was just at the conference and I feel like a wound up toy that just needs to be placed on a hard surface. Okay, not that kind of toy, Bitch. I'm getting out a novel that was well underway before I decided to tackle the Parvenue sequel. I finished polishing up PARVENUE GETS A PASSPORT a couple of weeks ago and I'm ready to move on. The next novel, set for completion prior to Christmas, is tentatively entitled, THE CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR IS A GODLESS HEATHEN. Sure it sounds autobiographical but I'll remind you all that I am never going to run for office no matter how hard you beg. I'm going to sit down, write my fourth novel and click out a slew of travel pieces that have piled up on me. I never have writer's block. I'm just occasionally blocked by my addiction to Harvest Moon (see below). Lucky for all of us, the novelty is wearing off and now it just feels like, well, work. Have a great day, all.

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