Monday, June 05, 2006

This will sound like bragging...

because it is. Unabashed bragging. As I mentioned in my life and death post below, last night I got to meet Izzy! Quite unbelievably, a blogger who I greatly admire lives very close to me. Guess what? She is exactly as advertised folks. Cool, funny, down to earth and exceedingly likeable. I AM SO LUCKY that we connected. She posted about it too and as she said, we showed up at Starbucks wearing the exact same clothes and ended up chatting for three hours. What she didn't mention is that we closed down Starbucks and had to move to an outside table where we continued to gab until very late while odd people came and went from the parking lot. I barely noticed them. The odd ones, that is. I'm wearing a big fat grin today. Thanks, Iz!


Stacy said...

Sounds like fun. I love Izzy and I love hearing stories about bloggers meeting bloggers. Glad you two got along.

Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

eawww thats so great. its so fun! i've met a few net friends this year and gonna be meeting more in the future!!! and thanks for visiting my blog btw!

Anonymous said...

You're making me blush!

I really did have a great time hope to get together again soon, definitely before BlogHer!

Perstephone said...

Both you and Izzy are just awesome, so it really must have been a great time. Glad you were able to meet!

Anonymous said...

Now picture that times twenty, and that's what Blogher is going to be like!

yoo hoo said...

That is so cool that you met a fellow blogger....we are all people after all and have real off line lives. Starbucks, the great equalizer.

yoo hoo said...

Wendy, after reading my previous comment it sounds snotty, I certainly don't intend that. I am so sorry. but REALLY glad you got to meet Izzy, sounds like a friendship in the making.

Chicky Chicky Baby said...

You're such lucky women to live so close to each other and had the opportunity to meet. I'm envious.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I've read about other bloggers meeting bloggers and it seems they always have a good time.

I guess that means blogger=fun and cool person!

Angeline Rose Larimer said...

I know how you feel. It was just that cool when we met Zilla.
Of course, immediately after, we started having trouble with our DSL connection, until the $#%@ing modem finally blew.
So either my hubbie was nervous about how easily we all hit it off, or Zilla wants me to stop blogging, and somehow pulled some wires while she was here.
One good thing about being disconnected for a week was that I READ YOUR BOOK!!
How did you manage to mirror Kate after my sister?? Have you met my sister, too? She does often go to Starbucks.
*Thanks for all of the laughs. And also, the feeling of accomplishment for reading a book all the way through, no week long pauses in the middle.
Wait, I'm going on about myself.
*I love hearing about bloggers meeting and having a good time together.

Lisa said...

I wish I could have been a fly on the table -- I bet your conversations were interesting and very, very funny.

Lisa said...

I wish I could have been a fly on the table -- I bet your conversations were interesting and very, very funny.

Sandra said...

I couldn't be more jealous. I would have loved to tag along on that night out. What fun!! There are many bloggers that live in Toronto and I hope I'll get a chance to meet one soon. Sounds like you both had a great "blind date"!