Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Stephanie, oh Stephanie, how you made my day!

As most of you probably already know, Stephanie over at Pickleness rocks! On a day when I'm pulling out all my hair trying to figure our Bluehost and Wordpress, I get this lovely message that Stephanie has bought my novel, Parvenue Throws A Party (you know, that one prominently displayed in my sidebar). Thank you, Stephanie. I'm going to look in my computer for something to send you as a thank you. Ah, here it is, a Laughing Gull running for dear life from me and my sidekick (Girlie). It's not every day that you get sent a cyber seagull. You're welcome.


Perstephone said...

Awwww- you're just the sweetest! And thanks for the seagull. We don't get too many of those around here, you know!

And I would have bought the book even if I didn't know you- the description interested me that much!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

From the looks of the tire tracks, your seagulls need to be careful of not becoming beach-kill!

Anonymous said...

Just found your site and love it. If I promise to be very kind dare I dream to get a seagull of my own some day? If you come to Canada we can check into getting you a beaver.

Wendy Boucher said...

Stephanie -- You're welcome!

Harmonica man --Ouch. You're right. Luckily it's only the beach patrol that get to drive on the beaches here.

Eileen -- Welcome to my site. Yes, a seagull of your own is within the realm of possibility. I'm quite charitable that way. :)

Sandra said...

So sweet. Love the seagull and that you were so appreciative to send it :)

Will hunt for your book up here (is it available in Canada) so I can be for my own seagull and be captivated by your words too.